Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Writer's Block

Do you ever have a sort of writer’s block when planning to cut an expensive fabric? I always check the pattern and measurements twice before taking my scissors to a Marimekko fabric! I guess it’s a good thing too, since then you know you’ve made sure the pattern is the right one for that particular fabric. Especially Marimekko is something I get a bit apprehensive about, mostly because of their high prices… Last Sunday I was going to start cutting a Marimekko ”Samovaari” knit, and had to take a deep breath before doing anything. Funny.

Anyway, what I’m going to make out of the Samovaari knit is a summer top for myself using Ottobre’s “Bohemian” pattern. Fingers crossed it will fit me! (I’m going to have two whole days just for myself this week, preparing for a sewing marathon that is :)).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Summer Shorts

P1010745 by ippuvMore summer projects! 
My mom gave me an old denim fabric that she’d used for my brother’s favorite coat some twenty years ago (wish I had a picture to show you, my mom's a really good seamstress). The denim is pretty soft, and has a nice black-grey color.

There wasn’t enough of fabric for two shorts, so I bought a piece of stretchy blue denim for a second pair from the local fabric shop.

P1010747 by ippuvI added big side pockets from heavy Ikea cotton, just to give them a bit of character. I’m afraid the pockets will be filled up with sand every time we go outside to play… Can’t wait. For the summer, that is!

These shorts have been added to the Celebrate the Summer Boy Flickr group