Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Etsy shop is now open!

Wow, it's been a long time! But there's a reason for this silence... I've now opened my own Etsy shop! For the moment it features rain hats made of Marimekko's super trendy and colorful coated cottons, and in the near future some beanies and purses will be listed, too. I'd also be happy to consider custom orders. Please come and visit!

This is my favorite hat, it's such a good color combination :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Little Purse

Little Purse by ippuv
I found a sample piece in Marimekko store a few weeks ago; a purple and off-white upholstery fabric, measuring 30 cm x 90 cm. It cost only 2 Euro, so I couldn't let it be. My idea was to make a little purse out of it, and here's the result.

I used almost all of the fabric, what remained was a tiny patch measuring 7 cm x 3 cm! I drew the pattern myself, and it's actually really simple if you measure the pieces carefully. You need two long strips for the straps (one of them is split into two for the zipper), and two larger pieces for the sides. Sewing was a bit more complicated due to the fraying fabric. If I did it all over again, I'd start with the serger and sew around all the pieces before starting to sew them together.

A visit to Marimekko's factory outlet was also scheduled for this week. I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw the huge bags full of striped knit, costing only 12 Euro! (When I got home, I put the bag on scale, and it weighed more than six kilos - all that knit for almost nothing.) And then things got completely out of hand: a big selection of knits, rain cloth, wax cloth and lots of other things for 6 Euro per meter. I had two really big bags in my hands when I finally made my way out, and didn't even have the car with me ;) So, what you're going to see is a lot of Marimekko clothing in the future!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Marimekko Love

Marimekko: "Istuva Härkä" (Sitting Bull) by Maija Isola 1967 by ippuv

My childhood was filled with Marimekko fabrics. My mom made most of our curtains, bedspreads and tablecloths from Marimekko, and I still recognize many of their patterns: “Wow, I had ___ (insert an item from my childhood home here) from that fabric!”.

I still have some of the fabrics with me, and I thought I'd write a bit about them whenever there aren't any new crafty projects going on.

Here's my most favorite item: the quilt my mom made for me when I was around five or six years old (my brother has another one made from different fabrics, I'll try and get it photographed as well). It's really simple, just two Marimekko fabrics quilted together and a basting in between. I still sleep with it during summer, since it's nice and heavy without being too hot.

The two fabrics are original prints from the 60s, and the colors are still amazingly strong! The quilt has been washed time and time again, but it's still bright and lovely. The first one is called "Istuva härkä" (Sitting Bull) and the second is "Pioni", both by the famous Maija Isola (1967 and 1970 respectively).  

If you’re curious about Marimekko, the best place to go to is of course their own website. If you’re interested in the designers (who are a huge inspiration to me) and the history of Marimekko, go directly to

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fisherman's Hats

Fisherman Hat no 1 by ippuvI've been looking for a simple bucket hat pattern with as few pieces to sew together as possible. Then I noticed that the latest summer issue of Ottobre Design had a hat pattern called Fisherman's, that actually had only six pieces to sew together (ok, six pieces times two, as there's the lining too). I made two of them, as usual...

On one side of the first hat I used Marimekko's "Silkkikuikka" fabric in lime green and on the other side plain lime green linen.

The second hat is made of some light-weight striped linen and Ikea cotton. Love them, as do the boys! They're always competing over who gets to wear which hat, so I guess there's a third one in the makings.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Monkey Shirt

Monkey Shirt by ippuv
Another t-shirt from a fun monkey knit. I'm still not sure I like the turquoise ribbing, it's a bit too much of a contrast to the brown. Might have to go back and change it. Or make another one! I'm getting much faster with sewing with the new serger, this t-shirt I made in less than an hour (and I even stitched the hem with a twin needle on my regular sewing machine).

I got complimented on the clothes my boys were wearing when we went to a family party last week. Both wore only self-made clothing (i.e. the Owl shirt, and Summer shorts). Couldn't be happier :)

Pattern is from Ottobre Design 3/2011.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Bohemian Tunic

P1010865 by ippuv
So here’s the finished Bohemian tunic! That piece of grey and black Marimekko knit was great for this purpose, and the tunic turned out beautifully. The little front pockets took most of the sewing time, but were definitely worth the effort. My colleagues would not believe this is self-made, which is a big compliment I guess :)

The pattern comes from Ottobre Design 5/2009.

As soon as I’d finished the Bohemian, I started on a new tunic. It’s also made from Marimekko cotton fabric called Tamburiini, designed by the iconic Maija Isola in 1962 (my fabric is a reprint from 2003). More about that later...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Writer's Block

Do you ever have a sort of writer’s block when planning to cut an expensive fabric? I always check the pattern and measurements twice before taking my scissors to a Marimekko fabric! I guess it’s a good thing too, since then you know you’ve made sure the pattern is the right one for that particular fabric. Especially Marimekko is something I get a bit apprehensive about, mostly because of their high prices… Last Sunday I was going to start cutting a Marimekko ”Samovaari” knit, and had to take a deep breath before doing anything. Funny.

Anyway, what I’m going to make out of the Samovaari knit is a summer top for myself using Ottobre’s “Bohemian” pattern. Fingers crossed it will fit me! (I’m going to have two whole days just for myself this week, preparing for a sewing marathon that is :)).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Summer Shorts

P1010745 by ippuvMore summer projects! 
My mom gave me an old denim fabric that she’d used for my brother’s favorite coat some twenty years ago (wish I had a picture to show you, my mom's a really good seamstress). The denim is pretty soft, and has a nice black-grey color.

There wasn’t enough of fabric for two shorts, so I bought a piece of stretchy blue denim for a second pair from the local fabric shop.

P1010747 by ippuvI added big side pockets from heavy Ikea cotton, just to give them a bit of character. I’m afraid the pockets will be filled up with sand every time we go outside to play… Can’t wait. For the summer, that is!

These shorts have been added to the Celebrate the Summer Boy Flickr group

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Owl T-Shirt

Owl T-Shirt by ippuv
I bought this owl interlock fabric right after I got my new serger, just couldn't resist it. The fabric is maybe slightly darker than what I thought (bought it from an online store), but it still makes a nice summer wear. The close-up shows the colours best, it was a bit dark to take good pics.

The t-shirt pattern is from Ottobre Design 3/2011, but unlike the striped slim-fit shirt, this is a "regular" t-shirt, and I like it better that way. The slim-fit t-shirt turned out a bit too slim, although my kids are quite skinny. Or maybe I'm not used to the serger yet, and have been cutting too much away, ha!
P1010789 by ippuv

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Striped T-shirt

Striped t-shirt by ippuv
This is a slim-fit t-shirt that I made with an Ottobre Design 3/2011 pattern. It's a bit too slim fit, but otherwise looks fun to me. I made it from a knit that was left over from this hoodie.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My New Serger

Woohoo! I got myself a serger! Finally! It's an Elna 664, I haven't been able to try it out yet, as I don't have enough thread...

All it took was a trip to Canada and back, a nice jet-lag, a huge sale, and some luck - it was the last one left.

I guess this will start a new sewing frenzy, although sewing knits hasn't been an issue to me since finding the twin needle.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lina Hat

Lina by ippuvI'm terribly afraid of flying, but once in a while there comes a trip that requires me to get on a plane, and try and survive the flight. As a remedy for flear of flying, I tried knitting: I bought new bamboo needles just for the trip, and found a nice and complicated enough pattern to keep my thoughts away from flying. Two 8-hour flights to Montreal and back were enough to finish this lovely Lina hat. My new bamboo needles were great for the project, light and smooth, and of course air-line safe ;) I made the cable in the “normal” way, using an extra needle.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fireman Helmets

Fireman Helmets by ippuvWhy is it that small boys love fire trucks? I’m so happy I made these fireman helmets for my boys last Christmas. Initially they weren’t too excited about them, but this spring they’ve started playing fireman almost every day, always following the same pattern: the alarm goes off (i.e. a button on the stairs) and the boys run to get their helmets, slide down the fireman’s pole (a round pillow), jump on the fire truck (the sofa) and douse the flames with water. It’s the funniest thing to watch!

The helmets are made of red wool felt of two different thicknesses (the brim is a bit thicker to keep it better in shape). I used a summer hat pattern and simply adjusted the brim measurements a bit, so that it’s wider at the back. And then I sewed a yellow badge to the front to keep the brim up.