Friday, July 15, 2011

Marimekko Love

Marimekko: "Istuva Härkä" (Sitting Bull) by Maija Isola 1967 by ippuv

My childhood was filled with Marimekko fabrics. My mom made most of our curtains, bedspreads and tablecloths from Marimekko, and I still recognize many of their patterns: “Wow, I had ___ (insert an item from my childhood home here) from that fabric!”.

I still have some of the fabrics with me, and I thought I'd write a bit about them whenever there aren't any new crafty projects going on.

Here's my most favorite item: the quilt my mom made for me when I was around five or six years old (my brother has another one made from different fabrics, I'll try and get it photographed as well). It's really simple, just two Marimekko fabrics quilted together and a basting in between. I still sleep with it during summer, since it's nice and heavy without being too hot.

The two fabrics are original prints from the 60s, and the colors are still amazingly strong! The quilt has been washed time and time again, but it's still bright and lovely. The first one is called "Istuva härkä" (Sitting Bull) and the second is "Pioni", both by the famous Maija Isola (1967 and 1970 respectively).  

If you’re curious about Marimekko, the best place to go to is of course their own website. If you’re interested in the designers (who are a huge inspiration to me) and the history of Marimekko, go directly to

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